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EUR 69.38

Argon R1 - Gadgeteer Mainboard

EUR 83.95 incl. VAT

pcs item stock if not stocked
1Argon R1 V1.4 2
1Gadgeteer cable F/F 10.5 cm (dark) 66

Selling off. Do not order more than stocked.
The Argon R1 is a new .NET Gadgeteer Mainboard from Love Electronics.

Running at a cool 120Mhz, the Cortex-M3 processor at the heart of the Argon R1 has the power to run your programs at the speed they require, and then some! By combining this processor with a huge 32MB (megabytes!) of external RAM you can be sure those memory intensive applications such as video processing and robotic mapping can fit on a .NET Gadgeteer device. The RAM is hooked up via a 32bit bus at 120Mhz, meaning memory access is blisteringly fast.

But when your using this much RAM, and have this much processing power you need the storage to match. That's why we've loaded the Argon R1 with 128MB of FLASH! Think you had to store all your pictures and videos on an SD Card? We've got you covered. You can deploy massive .NET applications to the Argon R1, and still have bags of space to use as a file system. You'll even be able to use it as a mass storage device. Are you logging to an SD Card? No more - just plug in the USB and pull the file off the virtual drive!

You need a USB DC Power module in order to connect this board to your computer for programming, make sure you pick one up before you check out or grab our Argon R1 Starter Kit.

• .NET Gadgeteer v4.2
• USB Device
• USB Host
• 3 Serial Ports
• 3 PWM Outputs
• 4 Analog Inputs
• Touch Screen Interface
• LCD Interface
• SD Card
• 3 I2C Sockets
• I2S (High Quality Audio Interface)
• 5 General Purpose X Sockets
• 7 General Purpose Y Sockets

• Processor: 120Mhz LPC1788 Cortex-M3
• RAM: 32MB
• FLASH: 128MB
• Sockets: 14
• Size: 92mm x 57mm
• Weight: 40g

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