UAM Czech Republic, s.r.o.

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EUR 9.17

USB Client SP Module

EUR 11.09 incl. VAT

pcs item stock if not stocked
1USB Client SP 1.2 0
1Gadgeteer cable F/F 10.8 cm (light) 126
1USB cable M/M A/Mini-B 10

Selling off. Do not order more than stocked.
This module provides access to USB client connector and also includes a power supply, allowing the mainboard to be powered from USB.

SP stands for Single Power. USB cable is included.

Note: It is highly recommended that it is used with a powered USB hub to ensure that the system gets sufficient power.

Requires socket type D.

.NET Gadgeteer compatible cable is included.

This product was replaced by others:

USB Client DP Module USB Client DP Module EUR 18.38
USB Client EDP Module USB Client EDP Module EUR 11.01

Products that contain this one:

FEZ Hydra Basic Kit FEZ Hydra Basic Kit EUR 110.51
FEZ Cerberus Basic Kit FEZ Cerberus Basic Kit EUR 46.02