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EUR 73.66

FEZ Cobra II (Net)

EUR 89.13 incl. VAT

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1FEZ Cobra II (enc28) 0

Selling off. Do not order more than stocked.
FEZ Cobra II (Eco) is an OEM board running .NET Micro Framework, which allows users to program the board from Microsoft's Visual Studio using C# or Visual Basic. With a G120 Module at its core, users can use all our premium library features on the FEZ Cobra II.

There are three versions of the FEZ Cobra II, an WiFi version, a ecological version and ecological version. The network version (net) includes ENC28 controller onboard so you won't need to add it separately for your wired-networked use.

FEZ Cobra II brings the display signals to standard Gadgeteer sockets. This allows for an easy way to add a VGA output or one of the Gadgeteer displays. We also added four other Gadgeteer sockets to simplify the addition of most Gadgeteer modules.

The side of FEZ Cobra II has over 40 digital I/Os multiplexed with UARTs, SPI, I2C, CAN, Analog inputs and Analog outputs.

Please note the image is valid for WiFi version only. This version has a Wired network connector on the place of WiFi controller.

An enclosure option is available through Polycase's JB-55 enclosure. FEZ Cobra II is designed to fit perfectly inside the enclosure while leaving room for adding more circuitry. One of the images above show FEZ Cobra II inside the JB-55 enclosure.

  • 800mA-capable power supply that run 7V to 30V

  • Power consumption: TBA

  • -40 to 85 Celsius operational

  • Dimensions: TBA

  • Weight: TBA

Other variants:

FEZ Cobra II (Eco) FEZ Cobra II (Eco) EUR 55.23
FEZ Cobra II (WiFi) FEZ Cobra II (WiFi) EUR 138.15

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