UAM Czech Republic, s.r.o.

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EUR 2.30

Variable Resistor (POT Vertical)

EUR 2.79 incl. VAT

pcs item stock if not stocked
1JST3AA 3-wire cable (R/W/K) 71
1ZX-POTENTIOMETER (V/H) Variable Resistor Module (documentation) 2

Selling off. Do not order more than stocked.
Potentiometers (POT for short) are variable resistors that change their resistance when the knob is rotated. This is similar to the volume control you see on many devices.
The POT is connected through a standard JST3AA cable (included).

Works with any pin with Analog input feature on a FEZ.

Other variants:

Variable Resistor (POT) eblock Variable Resistor (POT) eblock EUR 2.30