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EUR 276.35

FEZ Hydra Hacker Kit

EUR 334.39 incl. VAT

pcs item stock if not stocked
1FEZ Hydra Mainboard (Hacker Kit preloaded) 0
1Display T43 0
1USB Client DP 1.2 0
2Button 1.3 0
1LED Strip 1.2 0
1Potentiometer 1.1 0
1Radio FM1 v1.1 8
1Joystick 1.2 5
1LightSense 1.1 7
1GHIT Tunes Module 0
1[TBW] SerCam v1.0 (L1) 0
1SD Card 1.2 0
1128 MB SD Card 3
14Gadgeteer cable F/F 10.8 cm (light) 126
1Gadgeteer cable F/F 20 cm (dark) 55
13Ft USB2.0 A-Male to Mini 5pin Male (black) 3
1Internal packaging (Hydra Box) 6

Selling off. Do not order more than stocked.
This complete kit comes with a wide range of modules suitable for about every need. It is based on the powerful FEZ Hydra Mainboard, giving the user plenty of resources.

The kit includes:
•Fez Hydra Mainboard
•Display T43 (4.3" with touchscreen)
•USB Client DP Module (with USB cable)
•2x Button Module
•LED Strip Module
•Radio FM1 Module
•Joystick Module
•10cm IDC cables (included with modules).
•LightSense Module
•Tunes Modules
•Serial Camera L1
•SD Card Module
•128MB SD Card
•Reusable Plastic Storage Box

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